You know what day it is! You know what time it is! You could’ve been anywhere in the world, but you are right here, on your couch watching the online premiere of the musical, Hamilton. In honor of this auspicious occasion I typed Hamilton cocktail into google and this is what they sent back. So join me as we stand and make My Shot: An Alexander Hamilton Cocktail.
My first thought was to just make a Suffering Bastard and call it a day, but we’ve already done that one. I’m not usually a fan of tribute cocktails, but this one is cute and better thought out than most. So what do we make for the ten dollar, founding father without a father? A mixed drink with ingredients from his life. Y’all know the story, or you will soon, so I’ll just hit the high points of these ingredients and why they are here.
Grab your mixing pitcher and toss in 1 ounce of Laird’s Applejack, which was made in New Jersey in his time and would have been served often; 1 ounce of Michter’s Bourbon, it is from the oldest distillery name in the US and George Washington supplied his troops from them at times, so Hamilton would’ve been familiar with this one; 1/2 an ounce of Allspice Dram, a key ingredient from the Caribbean and from his time and 1/2 an ounce of Spiced Rum, I went with Corsair which has nothing to do with him, but it is the only spiced rum I keep on hand. Add ice and stir. Now you have a choice to make, either divide this into two large shot glasses or pour it up in one standard glass, as I did. Top with 3 ounces of a dry cider, I used a tiny Strongbow and either shoot it now, or add some ice and garnish with a portrait of our benefactor.
It’s a good drink, I prefer it tall even though that means I have to throw away my shot. I’d write more, but the orchestra is tuning up and I’ve got to go sing along. Stay safe, stay hydrated and stay sane, my friends.
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