There are lots of things in life you aren’t prepared for. Hell, I haven’t been ready for most of the things that have happened to me. One of the things I most admire in a person is the ability to pull things together and face whatever challenge comes to them, especially when they aren’t prepared or don’t feel up to it. It is a whole lot easier to beg off or ignore what needs to be done or just say no. Saying yes and deciding to do the thing, knowing the responsibility and that you can’t let people down, that is hard. Let’s raise a glass to the folks who turn their faces toward the wind and sail on, weather be damned. So, join me as we stand and make, the Chin Up.
I did not know this drink or this aperitif yesterday morning. I had to be in the city yesterday, so we took the opportunity to swing by Corsair and replenish our Gin stores. As I complained, yet again, that I just couldn’t get into Campari, Chris suggested that I try Cynar, an artichoke based aperitif, that had a gentler learning curve. If Chris says I should try a thing, I buy the thing. So here we are.
Armed with new bottles of Corsair Gin and Cynar and an old bottle of vermouth I was ready to loose my artichoke based cherry. Of course, when I say old vermouth, it’s not that old, just old enough for narrative purposes. Educational side note, vermouth is fortified wine, so it does go off. Figure a month after you open it, up to 90 days if you keep it refrigerated. So, while my vermouth has seniority, it is still well within its use by.
Let’s make this thing. First things first, slice some cucumber into a couple of thick slices and a thin one. Muddle the thick slices in the bottom of your tins, just to break them up nicely. Pop in 2 ounces of Gin, I went with Corsair from that sexy new packaging, 1/2 an ounce of Cynar, with that sexy old packaging and 1/2 an ounce of dry vermouth. Toss in a pinch of salt, I used kosher, cause that’s what we keep in the salt cellar on the stove; add ice and shake. Anytime I add something solid like the cucumber I shake extra hard and usually for too long, but I wanted a bit of dilution with this one anyway. Double strain into a chilled coupe and garnish with a thin slice of cucumber. Next time, I’m gonna do rosemary or maybe even some artichoke petals on a pick, but today you get a cucumber. That’s how it is, some times.
It is is nice, Corsair Gin always is. The bitter is definitely there, but way smoother than Campari. I like it, and I can see me making friends with Cynar, we are gonna experiment more soon.
So there you go, a new drink for you and a new flavor for me. Raise it high in honor of the folks who stand up and do the damned thing, even, no, especially when it is hard. Often the words are difficult to find, but standing up and giving your voice, that’s the important part. Without your voice, the story ends in silence and we can’t have that. So here’s to you, Ann. Thank you for having the words and the courage to say them. Stay safe, stay hydrated and stay sane, my friends.
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