Douglas Adams called Sunday afternoon “the long dark teatime of the soul”. It is apt and he explains it perfectly, as he always did, which, in fairness, was his thing. I’ve always felt that Wednesday’s were the weekly equivalent, but I lack his inestimable skills when it comes to communicating through the written word so I’ll just phone it in and admit that Wednesday’s got me feeling a bit of the old Ludwig Von Ennui. So when you’re a bit tired and you just want something pure, turn to the simple pleasures and when it comes to cocktails it doesn’t get much more pure and simple than the Gin Gimlet.
Open with 2 1/2 ounces of a quality gin, I went with Mahon on the first and Mischief on the second. Frankly, I shouldn’t have to tell you this, always make your drinks with good, quality alcohol. Life is just too damned short to drink crap. That doesn’t necessarily mean expensive, it just means to find what you like and use that in your cocktails. Pop that quality gin into your shaker tin and add 1/2 an ounce of fresh squeezed lime juice and 1/2 ounce of simple syrup. That’s it, technically, I tossed in 4-5 drops of 18-21 Earl Grey Bitters, cause I love the way they play with the complexity of the gin, but that’s personal preference and I’d rarely suggest that you follow my path. I have a long and storied record of poor decision making. Time to shake vigorously, feeling the tension of the day fall from your shoulders and into the shaken drink. When you’re feeling good about it and your hands are cold, double strain into a chilled coupe and garnish with a fresh piece of rosemary, because “oh my damn” at that bouquet and how it accentuates the gin.
This drink is truly an exercise in simplicity and a great reminder that when the world gets a bit too complex, there is solace in ritual. Quiet, simple ritual like making a cocktail and enjoying it with your love at the end of the day…even on a Wednesday.
Stay home, stay safe, stay hydrated and stay sane, my friends.
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