My bar gear has been terribly neglected of late. It was not intentional, but life conspired against me, or, perhaps, life colluded with fate to force my hand. Either way we went from our mostly distanced, socially and otherwise, lifestyle back into the world with a bang. Suddenly, we were traveling to see family, eating in restaurants, attending events and seeing long lost friends again. Honestly, it was a little overwhelming, at times, considering our last year and a half, but it was good. The downside, I have not been home, or at least home and inclined to make a drink in a bit. Seems like a small trade off for a bit of normalcy, but most everything has a price and my hands were ready for work. So, in the spirit of remembering the things that matter in life, won’t you join me on this first day of June as we stand and make the Rainbow Paradise.
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