There are more than just bananas in there...

Tag: glitter


Managing expectations is hard. I don’t know how often I have gotten all excited for something and then been disappointed. How many times I have not even been able to remember why I wanted something in the first place, when I finally got it. You know how it is, you wait months and months for that movie to come out or for the next season of a show and when it arrives, it is definitely not all that. I kind of feel that way about todays drink. When I see it on a menu I often order it, only to be mildly disappointed and remember that it is always the same, but I persevere, thinking that some day I will finally find the perfect one, even if I have to make it myself. So, please, won’t you join me now as we make the classic Aviation.

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Tuaca na Nog

I am straight up tired y’all. I mean I want to do this drink justice, I want to rail against the dying of the light, but it’s been a seriously long day and my bed is calling. So, let’s skip the foreplay and jump straight into this one. I’ll make it up to you later, promise. Join me now as we stand and make the Tuaca na Nog. 

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