There are more than just bananas in there...

Tag: Italicus

Midnight Clear

The Twelve Drinks of Christmas: Volume 2, Drink 10

Robert Burns knew all about scheming and I am often reminded of his immortal words about the “best laid plans, of mice and men,” whenever I get ready to do something. This was supposed to be a towering achievement of holiday drinks, the gem in our imaginary crown, but like so many plans this year, things “gang aft agley-ed” and it became more of a lesson in hubris. Ah, but did we not have fun? So with a nod toward just one more thing that did not quite work out during these unprecedented times, won’t you join me now as we stand and make the Midnight Clear.

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Mistakes, we all make them. I make so many mistakes that this almost feels like a retread of stuff I have said before. I wanted to quote Maya Angelou and her admonition to, “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” Then I figured I had probably use that bit before, I am a big fan of quoting her whenever I can. If you’ve read much of her work, you know why. I wasn’t properly prepared for today’s drink, so I missed a trick and I hate that. My whole hook is working tirelessly in the background to be better prepared than the next guy, all so I can try to make it look effortless. I failed at that, but all is not lost, now we have one of those teachable moments, so we are going to go with that. In that spirit, won’t you please join me now as we stand and make the Fantasticus.

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Everyone has secrets, this is known, Khaleesi. We all keep things buried inside that we do not share with the world, sometimes we do not even share them with ourselves. I try to be pretty open with everyone about most things. I like to say I have no secrets, but that is a lie. My mind is filled with little bits I choose not to share about myself, but more often the thoughts remain secret because they are not mine to share. As much as I try to be open about myself, I will straight lie to your face in order to protect someone else’s secret. Is that right? I don’t know. I did not make the rules. Hell, I wasn’t even here when the game started, but I play my hand the way I was taught. So, in honor of the secrets kept and those spilled along the way, won’t you please join me now as we stand and make the Clandestine.

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Earl Grey Sour

You never know how things are going to turn out. That’s just the truth. No matter how much you learn and analyze, there is just no accounting for that element of chance. That’s why we play the game, as they say. Last night, my son’s baseball team went from worst to first as they beat the number one seed in the first round of the championship. No one saw that coming, well, no one except a group of boys who believed in themselves. Tonight, they advance in the winner’s bracket, two games from winning it all. Maybe they will win, maybe they will lose, maybe it will rain. It doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things, but it was nice to see the world turned upside down as the sun shined on them for a moment. I like that. I’m a big fan of unexpected wins. So, tonight we honor those who take a chance, and go against the odds as we stand and make the Earl Grey Sour.

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The Queen’s Steeple

I am always on the lookout for new things and one of the most enjoyable aspects of “Cocktails from Quarantine” has been the excuse, I mean opportunity, to try lots of different alcohols. This week I stumbled across a bottle I have been looking for and immediately snatched it up, with the intent of exploring it’s charms and then sharing them with you, gentle reader. So, remembering that education is never a waste, won’t you join me now as we stand and make The Queen’s Steeple.

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