There are more than just bananas in there...

Tag: shochu

Apple Shochu Cocktail

Procrastination is what brings us together this evening. I had the best of intentions, I really did. There I was busily paving the road to hell,but time has a way of getting away from us, leaving us with broken dreams and rushed cocktail posts. It was a crazy day on the farm and at work and after work and pretty much right up till the moon rose high above stately Monkey Manor. A full October moon and a haggard monkey mean one thing, a super easy to throw together drink and phoned in commentary. So please join me now as we stand and make the Apple Shochu Cocktail. 

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This week at the farmer’s market we had a conversation with friends about cocktail alternatives, mostly looking for things that would be lower carb or keto friendly, which honestly, includes most pure spirits. Of course, there are lots of cocktails using spirits and bitters, maybe a bit of soda that would fall into that category. It’s really not that tricky, as long as you avoid syrups, colas and fruit juices, there is nothing wrong with a vodka tonic and a twist of lime. The discussion did remind me of a spirit that I don’t use often enough. It is pretty tasty and may introduce you to something new. So, join me now as we stand and make, the Shochu-Jito.

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