It’s fall y’all, at least that is what the hand painted sign at the farmer’s market said. Of course, it had decorative candy corn on it, so I’m not sure it can be trusted. Still, it was chilly enough that I slipped a cardigan on over my traditional black t-shirt this morning. I like those orange, red and yellow, leaves though. That breeze pushing them along the way, yeah, I’m fond of that too. Since it will rhyme and make this poetic, please you join me now as we stand and make The Bijou.
This is an elder cocktail, first appearing on the scene in Harry Johnson’s “Bartenders Manual“ in 1900. Technically, there was a drink called the Bijou in C.F. Lawlor’s “The Mixologist“ published in 1895, but is has different ingredients, so Harry wins the Battle of the Bijous. It’s booze heavy, and I am feeling that tonight, so let’s make it.
Grab a mixing pitcher and toss in 1 1/4 ounces of gin, I went with Corsair; 1 1/4 ounces of sweet vermouth, I used Gallo; 3/4 of an ounce of green chartreuse, 2-3 stabs of Regan’s Orange Bitters and, get this, 1/3 of an ounce of chilled water. That’s right, a pre-dilute. Add some ice and get to work stirring to get a post dilute, as well. I stirred this one a long time to get a good chill and further dilution, plus I got distracted by my stirring tune, Colin Hay’s “Beautiful World“. Pretty solid song for a stir and always appropriate. It’s been running through my head all day, probably because I enjoyed a mid afternoon cup of Lapsang Souchon tea. Listen to the song, it’ll make sense. Anyway, once you are well chilled and diluted strain into something pretty and garnish with one of those decadent Luxardo cherries on a cocktail pick.
Yeah, that’ll do. Sure it is booze forward, but that helps keep you warm on this chilly autumn evening. I guess we can file this one under the oldies but goodies, to use another term I don’t much care for, unlike this drink, which I rather like. I’d write more words, but I fear I need another drink, for science. Stay safe, stay hydrated and stay sane, my friends.
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